Roll with Advantage

Season 1 - Ep. 39: Attack on Yartar Pt. 2

Episode Summary

Will our heroes be able to save the town?! Find out now on Roll with Advantage! Hey everyone, it is that time again. Please leave a review of the podcast and let the world know what you think of it. Tell people about us. Word of mouth is the best way to grow the podcast and our community. It is super helpful to us and it is free to you. Thank you so much for listening and thank you for your future support!

Episode Notes

Welcome to Roll with Advantage! We are a group of normal people playing the best game on Earth. We hope you enjoy!

Will our heroes be able to save the town?! Find out now on Roll with Advantage!

Hey everyone, it is that time again. Please leave a review of the podcast and let the world know what you think of it. Tell people about us. Word of mouth is the best way to grow the podcast and our community. It is super helpful to us and it is free to you. Thank you so much for listening and thank you for your future support!

Music Credits:

“Alchemist Tower”, “Take a Chance”, “Crossing the Chasm”, “Clash Defiant”
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

Battleaxe Strikes Platemail - Illicevici Serban, Fireball Spell - Daniel Warneke, BOOM Trap - SidnSound, Weather - Thunder Crash 2 - WildDog Productions, Giants On The War March - Earth Shakers Go To War - Score Music - Rene van Tol, Giants on the War March - The Mountain Makers - Source Music - Marc Cholette, Trap - Deep Pitfall Spiked - Pablo Betancourt, Giants on the War March - Titan's Parade - Score Music - Rafael Hofstadter, Forest - The Emerald Glades at Night - Pablo Betancourt, Crumbling Tower - Arvids Saulitis, Walking on Dirt in Clothes - Jonathan Pitcher, Fire Blast Spell - Pitch Michael, Explosive Fireball Spell - Marc Cholette, Lightning Bolt Spell - Daniel Warneke, Javelin Strikes Platemail - Illicevici Serban
From:, Mind Control Psi - Daniele Galante
Under License: BattleBards Podcasters Audio License